The Badfish SUP Journal
The Badfish SUP Journal is a production of Badfish SUP in Salida, Colorado. The Audio Journal tells stories from the Badfish family and the wider world of paddling and paddleboarding. Interviews with interesting people from the paddling community, trip reports, technique tips, story telling and news about stand up paddleboarding. From whitewater rivers, to the coast and all across the world Badfish SUP has created connections between paddlers and the Audio Journal is a new way for us to make a connection with you!
The Badfish SUP Journal
2.4 Maui Story Time & Spencer Lacy Undam the Klam Trip Report
Badfish SUP
Season 2
Episode 4
This episode starts with Mike telling some stories from his recent trip to Maui. Then we have an interview with legend in the making Spencer Lacy @spencerlacy who just returned from a 230 mile trip down the Klamath River in Oregon and California where a series of 4 dams is slated for removal by 2023.
Learn more about the Maliko downwind run in Maui here: https://www.mensjournal.com/adventure/glide-guide-mailiko-run/
Follow Finn and Jeffery Spencer on Insta: @jeffrey_spencer @finn_spencer
Check out Spencer Lacy's photo journal here: https://blog.badfishsup.com/undam-the-klam-by-spencer-lacy/